Monday, March 24, 2008

Parent Talents

Okay... does anyone know how to scrap book and would be willing to make our Special Person pages? I have 19 beautiful photos and I would like them mounted onto special paper. I am typing the pages and then that needs to be mounted onto special paper as well. Finally both the picture and the writing will be mounted onto paper. The photo is black and white if that helps get your ideas going. Please let me know ASAP if you can help. I'd like this up by Thursday but I know it's short notice. I am going to try and go by Ben Franklin tonight for paper ideas.

I hope to see you all at the rally this afternoon!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Conference Schedule

Here it is in all its glory. It was also sent home on Thursday in the homework folder!

Friday: 3/21
8am Dial
2:5 O'Brien
3:15 Timberman
3:45 L.Ruiz
4:15 Allen

Monday: 3/24
8am Pratt

Tuesday: 3/25
7:30 Gernhard
8:00 Obert
2:45 Van Weele
3:15 Mac Donald (phone)
3:45 Garcia (phone)

Wednesday: 3/26
7:30 Gibbons
8:00 Buscaglia
4:15 K. Ruiz

Thursday: 3/27
8:00 Hagerty (phone)
2:45 Ceresa (phone)
3:45 Ramirez (phone)
4:15 Rudy (phone)

IF you need to make changes or would like to come in instead of having a phone conference please e-mail me at

Long Time Gone...

I have missed blogging and there is lots to share!

My most important point on this entry is this. This is by no means a political page and I mean to remain neutral as elections are fast approaching. This is one issue that none of us can be neutral on- school budget cuts. It hurts us all and in some ways we won't see the affects until many years down the road. I have had many of you ask me how it will effect us here at Rancho and what you can do to help. Here is the best way I know how:

There are lots of cuts. Some that you will feel directly at Rancho are:
Library Clerk time reduction, librarian cuts, office clerk cuts, funding for certain school programs, and there is still a chance that third grade class size reduction could get cut.

What can you do?

On Monday, March 24th at 3:00pm at Novato High School there will be a rally against the budget cuts. It is a place for students, parents, community members and teachers to speak out against the budget cuts. We really want to show the governor and the people in Sacramento that we won't take these cuts lying down. Make signs, wear blue and white or your Rancho clothes and come to the rally on Monday afternoon. We are walking as a school from Rancho to the high school.

Write letters! Write letters to the governor and our state representatives. There are letter formats on the Rancho website and on the NUSD website.

Finally I urge you to stay informed. The district has an area on their website that talks about all of the proposed cuts. Please keep reading this and looking for any new information.

I appreciate your support and I know that together we can make sure these cuts don't happen!