Friday, October 26, 2007


I think someone put this school year on warp speed and forgot to tell me. We are ending the first trimester and report cards are coming out. You will receive your child's report card at your conference. If you haven't turned in your white confirmation sheet confirming the time and date of your conference please do that immediately!

Homework Update:
As promised the fluency sheet has gotten more difficult. It will also incorporate five comprehension questions. There is a note attached to the fluency sheet this week. Please read it very carefully. Please ask your child the comprehension questions after the first read so that you can see how well they understood what they read. You do not need to turn this back in. The October fluency sheet is due next Friday. Please make sure it is completed and in the homework folder.

Homework Alerts: Friday, November 16th is the official end of the first trimester. Since report cards will begin going out on the 7th of November I will consider Monday, November 5th as a fresh start on homework alerts. If your child has received any homework alerts during the first trimester the slate will be wiped clean and they will be given a fresh start! Yeah! A chance to start a new!

Halloween Parade: The Halloween Parade will be on Wednesday, October 31 on the lower playground. It will begin at 8:45. Please attend if you are able to make it! Class we go on as usual until our Halloween Party after lunch. Please contact a room parent if you have questions or would still like to do something for the party.

Good Deeds Log: Our reading unit this month is on Kindness. Our story this week talks about the kindness of strangers. On Monday your child will be bringing home a good deeds log. They need to record one nice thing they did for someone on Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and Thursday night. We will be recording their responses in a book on Friday in class. If they don't have it done not only will they receive a homework alert but they will also be unable to participate in the class activity. This should not be chore or something they are expected to do.

Stone Soup: During the week of November 12th we will be reading many different versions of the story "Stone Soup" in class. On Thursday, November 15th I would like all of the kids to bring in a vegetable (fresh or canned it's your choice) so that we can make Stone Soup in class and eat it on Friday. It will be a chicken broth based soup just in case your were curious.