Thursday, September 27, 2007

Are you really reading this thing?

So are you? That's my burning question. Are you using the blog? That's what I wonder everytime I post something. I wonder if I am actually reaching my target audience.

We will be starting graphing next week and I have only four people's answers to the poll. I extended the time to respond. Please do not respond if you already have. The kids are going to create a bar graph of the results and take the same poll in class with me. Then we will compare the results. Please participate if you haven't.

We have moved on from addition and subtraction facts. I will be offering a place value parent tutorial/math facts on Monday after school at 3:00 pm. If you can't make it but would like to meet with me please e-mail me.

If I do not have your e-mail address will you please e-mail me your address. Thank you!

I hope you are all coming to Blues by the Lake this weekend. I am going to be volunteering from 2 to 5pm at the volunteer check in booth. I hope to see all of you there!

Flat Stanley's will be drawn on Friday and send out next Friday. Let me know if you are still having trouble finding someone for your child to write to. At this moment I have three people lined up who would be more then willing to help. One lives in Southern California, one is stationed with her husband in Lemoore at the Naval Base, and the last lives in Seattle. All great places to learn about and all great pen pals.

Keep checking the blog for updates!