Monday, September 10, 2007

Warm Weather Continues

Although it has gotten cooler the warm weather is still here. I am all for keeping the kids hydrated and am fine with you sending them with a water bottle. If you are going to send one it needs to have a sports top, that way if it spills the amount of water everywhere is a lot less. I also encourage you to get a reusable water bottle. Water bottles you buy at the store such as Crystal Geyser etc are great but they are not meant for long term use. It's important that the water bottle goes home every couple of days to be washed. I will talk to the kids about it on this end but please remind them to bring it in first thing in the morning or at a break (recess or lunch). They will not be allowed to leave class to go to their backpack to get their waterbottle. The water bottle can sometimes be a distraction but after awhile they get used to it. Please do not send juice, vitamin water, or propel water. Thanks!