Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rainy Days Begin

I guess the weather has decided to turn cool early, or maybe this cold and wet streak won't last but it's here now! Please send your child to school with a coat, even if they refuse to wear it. I will see to them wearing it at recess.

We finished our subtraction unit and will be leaving math facts behind early next week. Please keep practicing at home and we will keep practicing here. We will begin place value at the end of next week. I will pass along more math activities in next weeks packet. I will also start sending home some reading activities you can do with your child as well.

I sent home a letter about Flat Stanley. We are going to read the book next week and start writing the letter the week after. Please find someone who your child can write to. If you don't have anyone out of the Marin or Sonoma County area please talk to me as soon as possible. I have friends who have done this before and are more then willing to do it again.

I have set up a parent poll on the blog. If you haven't done this already please take it. We are going to graph your results in class and then the kids are going to take the same poll in class and graph those results. We will then do a compare and contrast activity. This page is the main way I will be communicating with you this year. Please keep reading the blog to stay informed.

Last week in the computer lab your child took an Accelerated Reader (AR) leveling test. I have sent home the results. Please not that a child reading at the end of first grade is well within the range of this time of year. We are working on fluency and comprehension in class and if you would like to stop by and chat with me I can give you ideas and things to work on at home with your child.

We are working on communities right now. Some of you may have read their story on Life at the Dairy. We are learning about processors and distributors. Next week we will move into producers and consumers as well as goods and services. If any of you have a job that you think the kids would find interesting we are looking for people to come talk to second grade.

Picture day is on Tuesday. Our time is at 11:10... after recess. I will be gone in the morning for a training at the county office of Education but I will be back after recess. There will be a sub in the class and stations etc will go as planned.