Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Math Challenge

Here are some tips on what to work on for the math logs besides this weeks math combinations.

1. Add three digits (under the number 9) together. Example: 4+7+2=13
Flip flop the combinations and give it to your child again to see if they understand the concept of order.

2. Work on both addition and subtraction facts to 20. The kids take beat the clock tests everyday in class. Memorizing their
math facts to 20 is a must!

3. Make up simple word problems for both addition and subtraction facts to help your child identify key words such as in all,
how many more then, how many fewer, greater then, less then, equal to.

4. Work on fact families: 4+7, 7+4, 11-7, 11-4

The math will get harder as the year goes on. Having a good math foundation is key to being successful in all math concepts. Having your facts memorized is the first step in this.